X‐ray absorption spectroscopy represents a valuable characterization tool for complex materials like multialkali antimonides.
Beyond Graphene: Rhenium Disulfide-Based 2D Materials
A comprehensive introduction to 2D anisotropic rhenium disulfide, a new member of the group VII transition metal dichalcogenides.
Beyond Graphene: New 2D Materials with Graphene-like Properties
2-dimensional materials with suitable bandgaps that can serve as essential components for electronic devices.
All-Inorganic Hetero-Structured Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes with High Current Density
An all-inorganic hetero-structured PeLED is demonstrated, fabricated using a new design strategy.
Valley Dynamics of Excitons in Monolayer Dichalcogenides
Scientists have studied the valley dynamics of excitons in different TMDCs using time-resolved Kerr rotation (TRKR) at low temperatures.
Electrostatic Lenses for Wigner Entangletronics
Entangletronics (i.e. entangled electronics).
New Perspectives on Polyamorphism in Metallic Glasses
Pressure-induced polyamorphism in traditional network-forming glassy state materials, such as ice, silica and silicon, has been reported. (Image credit: Phillip Minnis/Shutterstock)
Unveiling the Filament Nature of Resistive Switching Phenomena
A Ni2O3 phase as a highly possible filament structure, where the Ni2O3 phase was directly observed by high-resolution TEM in the unipolar NiO thin films by comparing low resistance state and high resistance state samples.
Strain as a Key to Applied Antiferromagnetic Spintronics
A new approach was presented to employ external mechanical strain for changing the domain distribution in Mn2Au.
Towards ideal growth of organic/inorganic hybrids
A group of scientists from Philipps-Universität Marburg have performed a careful and systematic study of organic film formation on molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) crystals.