Microplastics are synonymous with risks to health and the environment, but how much of this concern is actually justified?

Microplastics are synonymous with risks to health and the environment, but how much of this concern is actually justified?
Improving food storage with biodegradable polymers that can prevent food products from rapidly spoiling and help the growing difficulty of waste build up in the environment.
Poplars and willows are sustainably grown to conserve or utilize water in a variety of applications.
Extended droughts, or droughts that are warmer or more frequent than they have been in the past, can have large consequences on water availability, forest productivity, and forest mortality.
Plastic polymers may replace metal as lightweight, flexible heat conductors in cars, refrigerators, and electronic devices.
OCT provides in vivo detection of bacterial biofilms in critical care patients to reduce the incidence of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.
On May 20th, 2019, the world celebrates World Metrology Day. Although an annual celebration, this year in particular stands out from the rest as it opens a new era of precision in physics. Starting today, all seven base units of the International System of Units (SI)...
From royal decrees of the middle ages to ideals born from revolutionary upheaval; the remarkable history of standard measurements.
How a mix-up between the imperial and metric systems resulted in a $193 million crash.
Can plasma offer a solution for decontamination of food or water which includes the presence of proteins?