Polymers, specifically the biopolymer hyaluronic acid, could provide a better alternative to surgical sutures and staples for wound closure and healing.

Polymers, specifically the biopolymer hyaluronic acid, could provide a better alternative to surgical sutures and staples for wound closure and healing.
Roll-to-roll laser-induced superplasticity, a new fabrication method, prints metals at nanoscale for making electronic devices.
Investigating the impact of the physical environment on immune cell activation.
Hydrogel coatings are produced in situ on various 2D and 3D objects.
Mind the gap: Carbon dioxide corrosion problems in a world of carbon dioxide conversion research. Understanding the surface chemistry and electrochemistry and how they affect the overarching systems.
A wearable electronic device that can monitor glucose levels alongside vital signs adds another dimension to personalized health management.
A link in a long chain of achievements: polymer expert Krysztof Matyjaszewski.
Scientists fabricate near-infrared tandem organic photodiodes for future artificial retinal implants.
High-order, organic-solvent-free emulsions could have valuable applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries for encapsulating active ingredients.
Soft stents that can inflate inside arteries offer an improved alternative to metallic stents.