Orange peels for water purification – a zesty new approach.

Orange peels for water purification – a zesty new approach.
The clock is ticking for the development and deployment of renewable synthetic fuels substituting for non-renewable fossil-based oil to enable a sustainable energy resource for the benefit of all people.
A visible color change occurs when active nanocomposites are heated and re-cooled, which is attributed to the mobility of the nanoparticles embedded inside the material.
Micropillars fabricated by 3D direct laser writing create superoleophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces.
Prof. Xia reflects on his inspirations, current work, and the impact of AI.
30 years of Advanced Materials – time for a party!
Mars colonization may soon become a reality, but what are the pros and cons of this feat?
Taeghwan Hyeon on his research, the inspiration behind it, and his advice to young scientists.
Hua Zhang on careers influences, his thoughts on future hot science topics, and his personal motto.
Xiong Wen (David) Lou on his research focus, the future of his field and current scientific trends.