Neuronal stem cells used to smuggle therapeutics into the brain.
Enfranchising the Future: Climate Justice and the Representation of Future Generations
Today, the representation of future generations in climate policymaking is one of the most dynamic areas of democratic innovation.
2D Nanofluidic Heterojunctions: Electrokinetically Tunable Ion Transport
Ion transport in nanoscale channels and pores exhibits drastically different properties from those in bulk solution if at least one dimension of the channel approaches the characteristic length scale of the electrostatic, van der Waals, or hydrophobic interactions. In...
Unveiling the Presence of an Excitonic Insulator in Transport Experiments
A theoretical study of electronic transport in a hybrid junction consisting of an excitonic insulator sandwiched between a normal and a superconducting electrode.
Crop Tolerance to Herbicides through Artificial Evolution
The domestication of crops is a directed evolutionary process that has lasted for most of human history. It has allocated naturally occurring mutations that encode traits for higher production, better taste, and convenient cultivation. These traits can better manage...
Water as a Weapon and Casualty of Armed Conflict
Scarce and valuable freshwater has played a role in conflicts as a target, tool, and weapon.
Powering Jets With Plastic Waste
A research group has found a way to turn plastic waste into jet fuel.
Aqueous Organic Dyes as Solar Fuels
Using homogeneous organic dyes as sustainable catalysts opens up new ways for a green hydrogen peroxide-based energy source.
Minimal Cells, Maximal Impact
Members of the Max Planck Research Network in Synthetic Biology put together a special issue on synthetic cells for Advanced Biosystems.
IKEA to Use Ocean Plastic in New Products
This autumn IKEA will introduce products made of recycled plastic in stores in Italy and Spain.