Solar irrigation pumps have emerged as a promising alternative to conventional diesel and electricity powered pumps.

Nanofactories: Evolution of Drug Delivery Systems
The required features of nanofactories, and current strategies for their design and fabrication.

Plants from Plants
The first-time toy company Lego produces bricks from sugarcane-based plastic and with energy from renewable sources.

Noncanonical Features and Modifications on the 5′‐End of Bacterial sRNAs and mRNAs
Although many eukaryotic transcripts contain cap structures, it has been long thought that bacterial RNAs do not carry any special modifications on their 5′‐ends. In bacteria, primary transcripts are produced by transcription initiated with a nucleoside triphosphate and are therefore triphosphorylated on 5′‐ends.
Measuring the Human Right to Water
The right to water requires that governments ensure water is available, accessible, safe, affordable and acceptable for human consumption. At this point in time, however, there is little consensus on how to measure and verify a country’s compliance with that right.

Exploring the Effect of Vitamin E in Cancer Chemotherapy
New research from India shows that vitamin E may prove beneficial to alleviate chemotherapy associated side effects in cancer patients.

Amyloid Peptides: More than Just Disease
Amyloid peptides have a bad rep as the villains of human diseases like Alzheimer’s. But research is showing that they might not be all bad after all.

Energy Perspectives: Yan Yu Outlines Rate Performance in Sodium-Ion Batteries
Yan Yu outlines the cause and effect of slow ion transportation in sodium-based battery systems. See her paper on graphene for sodium storage in Small.

Anisotropy as a Feature: Janus and Satellite-like Nanoparticles
Plasmonic–magnetic heterostructures are designed to prevent Ag+ release from cathodic Ag by sacrificial anodic Fe.

Towards Sustainocene: Challenging but Promising
The recent developments in renewable energy generation and storage, the current policy strategies, and the integration of AP.