A team of scientists from Belgium investigated the plasma‐induced chemistry in organic solutions of polylactic acid (PLA), and their effects on the resultant PLA nanofibers.

A team of scientists from Belgium investigated the plasma‐induced chemistry in organic solutions of polylactic acid (PLA), and their effects on the resultant PLA nanofibers.
A method to record polarization holograms with complex hierarchical structures from an isosorbide-based azo molecular glass (IA-Chol).
Highly porous microspheres are developed as injectable scaffolds for tissue regeneration based on polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), a family of natural biopolyesters.
Complicated bulk multicomponent nanostructures with more than two components are fabricated.
Waste carbon could displace about 10 percent of the petroleum imported by the US, while simultaneously consuming wastes that are now economically or environmentally burdensome.
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Small solar systems seem to have a significant impact in terms of quality of life for their users and in helping them to keep connected to the global world.
To fight antibiotic-resistant pathogens, and to ensure wide-spread application and high compliance, oral vaccinations are desirable, but pose drug delivery complications. An efficient nanoparticle system for vaccination against stomach ulcer causing Helicobacter pylori was recently reported.
In their review published in BioEssays, Sandra Richardson and Geoffrey Faulkner discuss the origins and implications of L1 retrotransposition events during development.
Bioactive entities are combined into structurally ordered multidomain protein complexes to mitigate selective targeting of a hallmark protein molecule in cancer diseases.