Researchers design a bio-inspired batoid robot from non-toxic hydrogels operated with Au microelectrodes.

Researchers design a bio-inspired batoid robot from non-toxic hydrogels operated with Au microelectrodes.
Sewage sludge contains lots of valuable elements. Now, researchers are looking at ways in which wastewater treatment facilities can use it effectively.
Sodium is the new lithium: a facile new method to produce graphene composite electrodes may help solve the sodium transport problem.
Advanced Healthcare Materials papers you have downloaded and read the most last month.
A team of Dutch scientist report the use of ultrasound modulated optical tomography (UOT) with heterodyne parallel detection to locally sense and image blood flow deep inside a highly scattering medium.
Key global research that is unlocking the secrets to coatings on polymer substrates is summarized and discussed.
Dual-contrast MRI for real time monitoring of transplanted stem cell delivery, migration and death.
Significant implications of and recent progress made in iCVD-based technologies in three fields: electronic devices, surface engineering, and biomedical applications are discussed.
Flexible graphene nano-inks with an excellent bioactivity pave the way for next generation biomedical applications.
A nanocomposite possessing high NIR-transparency is developed, and shown to be applicable for NIR photography, security, and forensic-related applications.