The influence of food and beverage groups like Nestlé, Danone, and Group Castel/Alma (Neptune) is described, demonstrating how these companies radically reshaped the market structure through aggressive strategies of merger and acquisitions of smaller companies and their brands.
Decarbonizing the Transportation Sector: Policy Options, Synergies and Institutions to Deliver on a 1.5 Degree Stabilization Pathway
An Advanced Review by Oliver Lah outlines the key elements of a low-carbon stabilization pathway for land transport, focusing on the potential of key policy measures at the local and national level, opportunities for synergies of sustainable development and climate change objectives and governance and institutional issues affecting the implementation of measures.
Conductive Metallic Wood Composites
The design and fabrication of a metallic wood composite possessing highly anisotropic electrical and thermal conductivities.
Challenges of Predicting Effects of RNA Splicing
The current tools available to predict RNA splicing effects are explored in a recent review.
Aqueous-Processed Hole-Transport Layer for High-Performance Solar Cells
Thomas D. Anthopoulos and colleagues report a simple, environmentally-friendly processing method for copper(I) thiocyanate (CuSCN), a next-generation hole-transport layer (HTL) for organic and hybrid perovskite solar cells. The power conversion efficiency reaches 17.5%—a remarkable improvement over conventional polymer HTLs.
Happy Birthday Yusuf Yagci!
Colleagues and friends congratulate Yusuf Yagci on his 65th birthday in a Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics special issue. Read selected articles for free for a limited time.
Artificially Stacked Bilayer CVD Graphene Field Effect Transistors
Performance enhancement in individual field effect transistors (FETs) fabricated using artificially stacked graphene double-layers (bilayers).
In-line Treatment of Sealing Products
A plasma treating system for EPDM-rubber profiles.
Charting the Genotype-Phenotype Map: Lessons From the Drosophila melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel
An advanced review recently published in WIREs Developmental Biology summarizes insights about the genetic basis of variation of quantitative traits from the many GWA analyses of morphological, behavioral, life history and other traits that have been published to date using the DGRP and populations derived from it.
RNA on the Brain: Emerging Layers of Post-Transcriptional Regulation in Cortical Development
A new review by Lennox et al discuss recent advances in our understanding of post-transcriptional regulation during embryonic cerebral cortex development.