New research shows in situ processes as a solution to improve dispersion in nanocomposites.

New research shows in situ processes as a solution to improve dispersion in nanocomposites.
Researchers develop a highly versatile and adaptable artificial leaf for solar water-splitting in various natural environments.
Qiang Zhang takes a moment to outline the lithium dendrite formation problem faced by researchers working on lithium-based battery technologies.
Visualization of cells contributing to disease or cell therapy is critical for the success of regenerative medicine. Genetically encoded iron-associated proteins detectable with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be utilized for cell tracking in the brain, heart, and cancer.
Dichromatic fluorescence reporter system enables visualization of expression profiles of alternative pre-mRNA processing patterns in a nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans
With population growth and fast socio-economic development, water shortage is becoming a serious issue worldwide.
A recent review discusses the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms underlying intestinal cell plasticity.
A new technology combining electrospinning and 3D printing (3DNFES) for creating pre-patterned polymer fibers.
A recent review discussed the difficulties of applying, through the use of Global Climate Models, the idea of robustness in climatic attribution studies, i.e., the search for the fundamental causes of recent global warming.
Leoni has developed a new solution for attaching components and dresspacks to lightweight and collaborative robots.