A review of the latest development in the molecular design of zinc porphyrins for dye-sensitized solar cells.

A review of the latest development in the molecular design of zinc porphyrins for dye-sensitized solar cells.
Researchers demonstrated a new approach to fabricate large-scale, complex nano-architectures of refractory plasmonic transition metal nitrides.
Zika virus is an emerging mosquito-borne infectious disease linked to recent outbreaks of birth defects.
KraussMaffei advances the development of new hybrid materials and processes in collaboration with the Dresden University of Technology
The early stage nucleation and development of the harmful TCP phases in a 3rd generation nickel-base single crystal superalloy is studied.
Membrane permeability of the capsules can be changed by physiological pH and temperature stimuli, which allows for the uptake and sustained release of protein mimics.
An avalanche photodiode design with a quantum dot multiplication structure attains a high maximum gain factor and a superior gain noise performance.
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Antitumour platform comes of age: this system gets the responsible drug to keep itself in check for transport and delivery.
A highly efficient one-dimensional ORR carbon catalyst via a MOF-derived approach.