Researchers have developed transient electronics that self-destruct via sublimation in dry conditions.

Researchers have developed transient electronics that self-destruct via sublimation in dry conditions.
Learn about the development solid proton conductive materials by water adsorption to glassy bicontinuous cubic liquid crystals.
The first description on the use of oscillating magnetic fields for magnetic nanoparticle-mediated (MNP) gene transfer to neural stem cells NSCs.
Global demand for transportation appears unlikely to decrease in the foreseeable future. China alone accounts for more than one-third of global demand in the transportation sector. Transportation demand in China has increased continuously with emissions reaching a...
GE’s Water & Process Technologies upgrade a Chinese wastewater waterment plant.
The anti-cancer properties of cinnamon extract have been recently published in Molecular Carcinogenesis.
Red blood cells can be opened and resealed without affecting their functional characteristics, allowing scientists new opportunities in therapeutics and diagnostics.
A novel thermal-transport technique based on the transient response of laser-heated GaN nanomembranes in contact with living cells is used to differentiate between different types of cancer.
Siemens and GEA partner in delivering continuous manufacturing to pharmaceutical industry.
Researchers have developed a facile synthesis of metal-organic framework filters (MOFilters) that can be scaled up for industrial and domestic uses.