Agricultural, urban and industrial activities have dramatically increased aquatic nitrogen and phosphorus pollution (eutrophication), threatening water quality and biotic integrity from headwater streams to coastal areas world‐wide.

Agricultural, urban and industrial activities have dramatically increased aquatic nitrogen and phosphorus pollution (eutrophication), threatening water quality and biotic integrity from headwater streams to coastal areas world‐wide.
Steel manufacturer, Thyssenkrupp, is using state-of-the-art technologies to meet goals set at the 2015 Paris climate conference.
Recent research on cellulose–sulfur composites made from industrial wastes has successfully achieved all three Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle.
Complex self-sorting, as seen in nature, is mimicked here using a non-invasive light-triggered system to induce self-sorting of colloidal nanoparticles.
Scientists investigated the bactericidal effect and plant growth enhancement using oxygen radical plasma-irradiated organic compound solutions.
Analyzing the impact of gas composition on the bactericidal efficiency, plasma parameters, and species formation in a cold atmospheric plasma jet in contact with water.
State of the art of mathematical hybrid modeling of cancer development and treatment.
A quantum autoencoder via approximate quantum adders in the Rigetti cloud quantum computer is carried out employing up to three qubits.
A bioinspired sono-immunotherapeutic nanocapturer to protect us from multidrug-resistant bacterial infections.
In this WIREs RNA review, the authors discuss the role of different miRNAs controlling yield-related quantitative traits in rice.