A method that allows the long-term labeling of different cell populations in tens of different colors using fluorescent nanoparticles.
Enterprise Data Breach: Causes, Challenges, Prevention, and Future Directions
There exist multiple points for deploying complementary data leak prevention and detection (DLPD) techniques in an enterprise environment.
Battery Power: Electricity and Chemicals from CO2
Of interest to the field of CO2 utilization is the adaptation of the above described energy storage system into one capable of fixing CO2 into a useful product, in this particular case carbon.
Cover Art – Featuring DNA Origami, Cardiac Scaffolds and Stem Cells
This week’s Advanced Healthcare Materials cover manuscripts.
Cholera Toxin Converted to Potential Anti-Glioma Agent
A multifunctional targeting of intracranial glioma inspired by the intoxication mechanism of the Cholera toxin is demonstrated.
Climate Change Enlarging Most Tibetan Lakes
A review on the lake dynamics in the Plateau during the past four decades and an analysis of the contribution of the main factors that are related to lake water budget.
Micron-Scale Wedge Thin Films Deposition Made Simple
Researchers made a simple and straightforward modification to the conventional method of thin film deposition to establish an easier procedure for the production of micron size wedge thin films.
Metabolic Interactions in Cancer
Cellular metabolism at the interface between the microenvironment, the cancer cell phenotype, and the epigenetic landscape
Performance Enhancement of Polymer Resins by Bioinspired Dynamic Bonding
High hardness/rigidity compromises the extensibility and flexibility in state-of-the-art load-bearing polymer composites, including dental-resin composites. A look at an alternative.
Integrating Stem Cells into Functional Neural Networks
Comprehensive set of 6 protocols outlining methods to monitor functional integration of transplanted stem cells and host neural networks .