The Rapid Emergence of Plasma Agriculture

The Rapid Emergence of Plasma Agriculture

Low temperature plasmas (LTPs) show promise as efficient green technologies for enhancing productivity while maintaining good food quality and safety in the many steps of the food cycle. As a result, applications of LTPs in agriculture have led to creation of a new, rapidly developing field called “plasma agriculture.”

Nanoporous Superalloy Membranes

Nanoporous Superalloy Membranes

Ni-based superalloys, hitherto utilized exclusively for high temperature applications, e.g. as turbine blades in aero engines, are used to prepare heat-resistant membranes.

Bone Repair: A Breaking Story

Bone Repair: A Breaking Story

Researchers in Barcelona have proposed a new mechanism for bone repair. They hope that the work might pave the way for advances in self-healing prostheses.