Anisogel: A New Hybrid Hydrogel for Tissue Regenerative Therapy

Anisogel: A New Hybrid Hydrogel for Tissue Regenerative Therapy

A new type of hybrid hydrogel for tissue regenerative therapy—Anisogel—is developed by Abdolrahman Omidinia-Anarkoli, Laura De Laporte, and co-workers from the Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials in Aachen, Germany. This low-invasive hydrogel is promising for healing body tissues that consist of an aligned architecture, such as the heart, kidney, muscles, and nerves.

A Case for CO2-Sourced Sustainable Synthetic Fuels

A Case for CO2-Sourced Sustainable Synthetic Fuels

Is the electrification of the global fleet of automobiles and trucks truly a panacea for curbing greenhouse gas emissions, stabilizing global warming and ameliorating climate change or, rather, is it merely a way of shifting the problem from conventional internal combustion to electric vehicles?