Ever take a good look at your shoelaces?
Polymer Reaction Modeling and The Origins of Life
A mechanistic model of nonenzymatic polynucleotide replication is developed using methods of polymer engineering
Does Nicotine Affect “Recycling” of Cellular Components?
Using a proteomics approach, Drs. Paulo and Gygi from the Harvard Medical School provide evidence that nicotine exposure changes the abundance of membrane proteins implicated in signal transduction and autophagy.
Feeling Blue – Cyanobacterial Polymer Delivers Drugs
Cyanobacterial polymer as a drug delivery vehicle.
Indole: A Multifaceted Regulator of Behavior
In their review in BioEssays, Jeffrey Tomberlin et al. take a closer look at indole and how this molecule influences behavior in a wide variety of organisms.
Special Issue Advanced Materials Interfaces: Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
The first issue 2017 in Advanced Materials Interfaces highlights “Perspectives in Interface Research”.
Gold just Went Black!
Researchers from the Australian National Fabrication Facility, Monash University, and the University of Melbourne describe the straightforward preparation of black gold, a material of promising optical properties.
Nanoparticles on a Drug Delivery Mission
To design nanoproducts with improved therapeutic efficiency and controlled toxicity, we need to understand the mechanisms of cellular uptake and exocytosis of nanoparticles.
One Step Closer to Room-Temperature Superconductivity
Superconductivity has been discovered in highly compressed hydrogen sulphide at an amazing 203 degrees kelvin.
Particle Micromotors
Magnetically steerable, acid-resistant micromotors are developed that can be fabricated by electrostatic attraction between magnetite nanoparticles and gold microrods at pH ≈ 4.