A bioinspired fire detection system signals danger at the precombustion stage.
Ecological Impact is a Two-Way Street
A hierarchical perspective should be dropped in favor of a framework that recognizes organisms as an integral part of the environment.
Crowdsourced Data to Predict Hotel Ratings
Crowdsourcing is an essential source of tourism information, especially in the accommodation sector.
Efficient Electrodes for Metal–Air Batteries
A new strategy to overcome the current limitation on sluggish reaction kinetics of the air cathode in Mg–air batteries from Dr. Chong Cheng and Prof. Rainer Haag at Freie Universität in Berlin.
Advancing Predictive Understanding of River Corridor Exchange
Unifying river corridor science through systematic re-evaluation of methods in the context of broader conceptual models and quantitative theory.
Hall of Fame Highlight: Xinliang Feng
Xinliang Feng on his passion for materials science and his curious nature that started it all.
Urbanization in the Time of Climate Change
Urban India’s response to climate change.
Nanomedicines for Improved Treatment of Ocular Diseases
Understanding the interactions, permeability, and partitioning of drug delivery systems in ocular tissues can improve the drug retention time and bioavailability.
Metavalent Bonding: Materials on the Edge
Metavalent bonding shows physically observable features that are “between those of covalency and metallicity, but distinctly different from both”.
How Fish Developed Jaws
A fascinating look at the evolution of the fish jaw.