Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new nanolithography technique that is less expensive than other approaches and can be used to create technologies with biomedical applications.
Precision Matters: Measuring Young’s Modulus
Clamping down a nanowire with a different material allows researchers to make more precise measurements of the nanowire’s Young’s modulus.
First Large-Scale Science Collaboration between China and Germany
Multilevel Molecular Assemblies: Scientists in China and Germany are working together to make efficient tools out of molecular assemblies.
Surviving in the Wild with Silk: Collecting Water with Nanostructured Nylon
Scientists make artificial spider silk from polymer-coated nylon, which can collect water from the atmosphere with astonishing efficiency.
Stain Your Brain: Nanoparticles Enable Brain Surgery
Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a new system that uses dye-loaded nanoparticles to tag brain tumors for removal.
Gel Shapes by Design: Patterned Surfaces for Cell Growth
Droplets can be designed in a specific shape and pattern, which could be used to control cell growth and movement as well as to make new nanocomponents.
Trojan Horse Causes Nanoparticle Allergy
Workers with existing allergic conditions have worse reactions when exposed to nanoparticles, caused by a Trojan horse known as an exosome.
Graphene for Energy
Graphene has the potential to solve many issues in vital energy research.
Defying Expectation – Cellular Uptake of Nanoparticles
Confocal microscopy and flow cytometry results suggest that nanoparticle uptake defies the expected size limits.
Testing for Enzyme Activity using Gold Nanoparticles
A new protocol combines gold nanoparticles with an enzyme substrate to give a simple test for the activity of an enzyme, the results of which can be seen with the naked eye.