UK scientists develop method to produce and identify boron nitride monolayers like graphene using simple laboratory techniques.
Nontoxic Nanoparticles
US scientists show the mechanism of toxicity of gold nanoparticles in living cells, and demonstrate that the nanoparticles are not toxic under diagnostic conditions.
Gold Nanoparticles to Beat the Flu
Functionalized gold nanoparticles are used to prevent flu viruses from attaching to and entering cells, in research by German scientists.
Superbug-Resistant Bandages
With secondary infections from drug-resistant bacteria a real concern in hospitals worldwide, MIT scientist report a breakthrough that might be able to effect both prevention and cure.
Nanoplasmonics – Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks
A recent concept article gives a round-up of how nanoplasmonic technology can be employed to control optical properties by use of appropriately shaped nanostructures.
Patterned Graphene Growth
Graphene films grown over epitaxial metal films deposited on single-crystalline substrates give unique micropits with rectangular and triangular shapes, reflecting the crystallographic orientation of the substrate.