A case on expanded research agenda on social contracts is made, arguing they can help identify and then situate the competing interests, voices and expectations at work in adaptation decision-making – an understanding that could help improve the equity outcomes of negotiated and imposed risk management settlements.
Social Science Perspectives on Drivers of and Responses to Global Climate Change
The research reviewed from these social science disciplines highlights that among the key human factors contributing to climate change are the roles of and connections among economic conditions and development; demographic growth and changes; power, social stratification and inequality; technology; infrastructure; and land-use change.
Data Assimilation in the Geosciences
The theoretical background to confront head-on the problem of data assimilation together with several examples of practical applications is provided.
Assessing the Ability for Cities to Contribute to the Global Response to Climate Change
Exploration of three exciting lines of inquiry – organized around the concepts of experimentation, horizontal coordination, and vertical integration – signalling the need for greater attention to the politics and power relations that are shaping the global urban response.
Understanding Weather and Climate of the past 300 years from Ships’ Logbooks
Ships’ logbooks dating back to the seventeenth century have helped scientists to capture different features of climate during the last centuries previously unknown.
How do People Adapt to Environmental Shocks and Stresses?
How do most people adapt to floods? What do most people do to cope with heatwaves? Which strategies to adapt to any environmental shock or stress are most common and which most rare?
Big Data Approaches for Coastal Flood Risk Assessment and Emergency Response
Researchers have identify a series of ‘Big Data Approaches’ (BDAs) with the potential to shed new light on the complexities and challenges surrounding coastal flood risk management.
Personal Mobility and Climate Change
An exploration of how travel can also be understood as something intimately connected to historic, economic and cultural influences.
Overcoming Public Resistance to Carbon Taxes
A study recently published in WIREs Climate Change summarizes the findings of 39 empirical studies testing why people do not like carbon taxes.
Protecting Mangroves Can Reduce Carbon Emission
As the home of the largest mangrove area in the world, Indonesia is a key player in the international blue carbon agenda. While it has over 22% of world’s mangroves, Indonesia is also facing rapid mangrove degradation.