None are likely better suited to interdisciplinary research than those early in their scientific careers, and the next generation of scientists whom they are today teaching, advising, and mentoring.

Domestic Energy Consumption and Climate Change
Different approaches are used to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from households’ energy consumption, but with varying degrees of success. Better integration of these approaches will be necessary to make substantive advances in this field.

Climate Change Threats and Responses in the GCC Region
Looking at the sustainability pathways of in the Gulf region towards achieving a low-carbon development and achieving a post-fossil-fuel transformation.
Transformational Adaptation of Agricultural Systems to Climate Change
Architesh Panda explores how the usage of the concept of ‘transformational adaptation’ (TA) in the context of agriculture has increased in recent years.
The Ethics of Climate Induced Displacement and Relocation
How can we avoid ethical blind spots in our efforts to help displaced communities rebuild their lives?

The Little Ice Age: Climate and Society in the 15th through 18th Centuries
Scholars in different fields have contrasted the fates of societies or communities that were “vulnerable” to climate change with those that seem to have been “resilient” or even consciously or unconsciously adaptive in the face of the Little Ice Age.

The Global Warming “Pause” that Wasn’t
The divergence of physical model simulations from observations that precipitated the notion of a “global warming pause” does not signify a crisis in climate science or understanding but simply the limitations of current physical climate models.

Can We Manage Adaptation to Climate Change?
Adaptive Management has emerged as a promising approach to dealing with the complexity of the economic, political and ecological systems we live in.

Intellectual Property Policies for Solar Geoengineering
What role may solar geoengineernig play in addressing climate effects of human-generated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?

Political Economies of Climate Change
How have political economy approaches been used to understand important aspects of climate change?