Tales Around the Clock: poly(A) Tails in Circadian Gene Expression

Tales Around the Clock: poly(A) Tails in Circadian Gene Expression

Light is perhaps the main environmental cue (zeitgeber) that affects several aspects of physiology and behaviour, such as sleep/wake cycles, orientation of birds and bees, and leaf movements in plants. Temperature can serve as the main zeitgeber in the absence of light cycles, even though it does not lead to rhythmicity through the same mechanism as light.

Evolution of Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation

Evolution of Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation

“DNA makes RNA makes protein”? After transcription, mRNAs undergo a series of ‘post‐transcriptional’ regulatory processes to be finally translated into functional proteins. Changes in these regulatory processes are important driving forces underlying the evolution of phenotypic differences across different species.

LARP1 on TOP of Ribosome Production

LARP1 on TOP of Ribosome Production

Ribosome production is a considerable energy investment for the cell—rRNAs and ribosomal proteins (RPs) are among the most abundant classes of RNAs and proteins—and their production must, therefore, be synchronized temporally and stoichiometrically to ensure efficient ribosome assembly.