An increasing number of streams and rivers that formerly flowed all year are beginning to experience dry periods due to changing climate and water withdrawals for human use.

An increasing number of streams and rivers that formerly flowed all year are beginning to experience dry periods due to changing climate and water withdrawals for human use.
Freshwater ecologists are becoming interested in noninvasive surveying techniques, such as ecoacoustics, to gather crucial data and plan conservation efforts.
Making Europe go from bottled water to the tap will require political and societal attempts to induce behavioral change to mitigate the amount of plastic currently being consumed.
Researchers have created and structured a collection of freely accessible global datasets to support future studies on floods, droughts, and their interactions with changing societies.
Researchers from Newcastle University and the James Hutton Institute explore how catchment systems engineering can be a holistic approach to solving some environmental problems.
There is a flooding catastrophe awaiting California — not only in the Sacramento Delta, but in the Los Angeles region.
Global water resources are increasingly becoming scarce. Many water basins are closing due to unsustainable modes of extraction and more than 800 million people still lack access to safe and sufficient drinking water. Although water is constantly moving through the...
Water-management strategies in past societies tell us about urban resilience and vulnerabilities.
Flood prevention measures—such as mounting a home on stilts—are increasingly necessary as flood events become more common.
2‐methyl‐4‐chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) is poorly a understood, yet frequently used herbicide, and further insights into its ecotoxicological effects are required.