Towards spintronics: integrating magnetic semiconductors

by | Feb 26, 2015

Researchers have successfully deposited high quality dilute magnetic semiconductor thin films on lead magneisum niobate titanate single crystals.

Dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMS) exhibit both ferromagnetism and semiconductor properties and have great potential applications in spintronics devices. Lead magneisum niobate titanate (PMN-PT) single crystals exhibit significantly superior piezoelectric properties and are believe to be the next-generation piezoelectric materials for acoustical, optical, medical, wireless communication, and other applications. The integration of DMS films with PMN-PT could lead to new functionalities such as the magnetoelectric effect, i.e., the control of electronic and magnetic properties of DMS films by application of an electric voltage across PMN-PT. I

In a step towards such systems, researchers have successfully deposited high quality DMS thin films on PMN-PT. Modulation of the electrical resistance and magnetization of DMS was realized through application of an electric voltage across PMN-PT. This discovery. the group believes, could lead to the development of a series of novel devices, especially sensors with multiple functionality, low dissipation and high sensitivity.

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