Are you looking for a comprehensive review? Would you like to read an interesting hypothesis? BioEssays offers both, covering a wide topic area in the life sciences. A peer-reviewed journal with a history of more than 30 years, BioEssays publishes review-style articles ranging from neurobiology and cancer to stem cells and immunology. Our articles are compiled into online collections that are regularly updated with our most recent content. Below are just some of our special collections. The full list can be found here: BioEssays Special Collections
The Neurobiology special collection contains articles ranging from structural insights to developmental end evolutionary concepts. BioEssays also regularly publishes articles on Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
The Epigenetics special collection covers a wide variety of aspects, from chromatin organization to the role of epigenetics in disease.
The Immunology special collection contains articles on adaptive and innate immunity as well as on different aspects of virus infection. Furthermore, there are a few articles on various aspects of T cell biology.
There are many different classes of non-coding RNAs. The Non-coding RNAs special collection therefore includes articles on microRNAs (miRNAS), small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) as well as transfer RNAs (tRNAs).
The Aging special collection not only explores the various causes of (cellular) aging, but also looks at the different components defining lifespan.
The Cancer special collection not only contains articles on the molecular basis of cancer and the mechanisms of metastasis, but also on therapeutic opportunities. Novel aspects, such as transmissible cancers, are also covered.
Make sure to come back regularly to read the latest review or hypothesis in your area of research.